Friday, September 3, 2010

Duke Nukem Forever

Wow! Duke Nukem Forever, for those not in the know, has been long, long, long, long awaited ever since Duke Nukem 3D that came out on the N64. And now, thanks to Gearbox (the makers of Borderlands), there is a playable demo at PAX and it will be coming out in 2011.


  1. Im relly interested in seeing that trailer!

  2. really... i thought this was going to be of those games that everyone keeps talking about but never comes out... like starcraft ghost... but i think that lost funding.. its great to see developers trying to make this happen for many fans.


  3. Yeah it will definetly come out _2011_, hah.

  4. Its been a long time coming. Cant wait to see more

  5. Wow, I thought it was a dead project. Will be looking forward to it.
